November 2020 Ambassador Feature Update
Hi everyone,
This month we focused mostly on bug fixes and improvements to the connectivity, battery life, and other elements for both Ambassador Interpreter, and also prepared a list of updates coming Pilot Smart Earbuds! Keep reading to find out what was improved and what is planned for next month.
Ambassador Interpreter Updates
For Android phones, here is a list of bugs and other updates (please update your Android app to version 1.1.1):
- The speech playback was being interrupted for certain phrases and conversations, and was not playing the full speech even though the translation was appearing on the phone. Status: resolved
- We fixed issues with Google Pixel phones that were causing some pairing and speech recognition issues, as well as crashes reported for the apps on these phone models. Status: resolved
- In Android, we’ve updated the pairing names, so when pairing your Ambassadors to your phone the name will display as something like “Ambassador R1” instead of “WLR-XXXX”. This will make for a better user experience. Status: resolved
- We’ve also improved the user experience when switching between Click-to-Talk and continuous mode. This feature will allow users to more easily switch to continuous streaming, which lets both the host and guest(s) continue speaking without having to enable the Click-to-Talk button. It can be found while in Converse mode, in the upper right corner. Status: resolved
For iOS / Apple phones, here is a list of bugs and other updates (please update your iPhone app to version 1.0.7):
- In iOS, we are making some improvements for users who are using landscape mode in iPad, including larger device buttons for interaction. Status: pending
- We’re also creating larger font sizes in Listen, Lecture, and Converse, so users will have the option of increasing the font size to read along with the spoken translations for better conversations. Status: pending
Next Month
For Ambassador Interpreter, we plan to release the following feature improvements over the next few weeks:
- We are developing a firmware update that will allow for quicker pairing and reconnecting automatically without having to go through the pairing process again. Status: in development
- The firmware update will also allow for better battery logic which will improve performance and indication levels, battery lifetime, and similar. Status: in development
- In addition, the new firmware will have a major improvement that will improve the microphone sensitivity for speech recognition, which will create more accurate translations for users and their guests. Status: in development
- And finally, an update will be coming to the cloud system as well, which will fine tune our confidence interval and increase the accuracy of your conversations so users won’t keep hearing the command "please repeat again". Status: in development
For Pilot Smart Earbuds, you can expect the following updates soon:
- We’ll be adding the 4 new languages soon, which include Hebrew, Thai, Vietnamese, and Dutch. Status: in development
- Large screen support will be coming to Pilot Smart Earbuds as well, so you’ll be able to pair your earbuds to iPads and other tablets, including enhancements for increasing font sizes for reading while speaking and listening. Status: in development
Future Product Roadmap
We’re working on some advanced features for users, including saved transcripts and virtual environments for remote conferencing, that we think are going to really enhance your experiences. And last but not least, we’ll be publishing a page devoted to online tutorials and how-to videos to explore every feature of the Ambassador Interpreter. We’ll have more details in the next blog update.
Thanks everyone for all of your questions and feedback, and we’ll be sure to include your ideas and needs into future updates. As always, you can reach us directly at
Waverly Labs Team